Please Call Dr. Weary’s Office at (719) 571-4500 For an Appointment
Dr. Weary's Specialties
Your First Obstetrics Appointment
During the first appointment it is important to discuss the patient’s history, similar to Dr. Weary’s approach with gynecology exams.
Some questions that are covered specifically related to the patient’s periods, such as:
- When was the last menstrual period?
- Are the periods typically regular or irregular (how far apart are your periods usually)?
- Has there been a positive pregnancy test at home? If so, when?

Common Concerns (Cramping & Bleeding)
- Cramping is common in early pregnancy. It is important to tell Dr. Weary, but there is no need to be overly concerned or worried as it is common.
- About 40% of women experience bleeding in early pregnancy. Discussing any bleeding with Dr. Weary is important so that he can evaluate and talk through it with you.
- We will draw a basic pregnancy blood panel on your first visit.
Annual Exam & Getting An Ultrasound
- If due during your OB appointment, we will also provide an annual exam. The exam will ensure your overall health and will serve as a baseline assessment.
- An Ultrasound will be performed to assess the baby’s viability and confirm that the baby is at the appropriate size. This is also a good time to address any issues such as pain, bleeding, or other issues.

Follow Up Obstetrics Appointments
Visits after the first OB appointments become a little simpler we don’t need to repeat the full exam or draw blood.
When the patient comes in every four weeks for OB appointments, there are some basic medical care points that we cover:
- Focus on vital signs, the patients weight, and the baby’s heart beat.
- Emphasis on patient communication, education, and addressing any questions.
- Stay informed about your pregnancy progress at each stage.
A large part of the visit is intended simply to talk to the patient and to answer her questions.
Third Trimester OB Appointments
At around 28 weeks into your pregnancy, Dr. Weary starts scheduling more frequent appointments to better cater to your needs.
During your third trimester appointments, these are some of the things Dr. Weary will make sure to go over:
- Tdap immunization: The goal is to immunize both mom and baby against whooping cough (pertussis). It is now recommended by the CDC.
The final weeks of pregnancy and what they look like:
- Weekly scheduled appointments to monitor the baby’s heartbeat and answer any questions the patient may have.
- Dr. Kevin Weary’s office will ensure that the patient is pre-admitted to the hospital with all the information she needs.

Obstetrics Q&A
Obstetrics, a critical area of medicine dedicated to the well-being of expectant mothers and their precious babies, is all about providing comprehensive care throughout the various stages of pregnancy. This includes prenatal care to ensure a healthy start, closely monitoring fetal development, and expertly managing any potential complications that may arise.
Fetal Anatomic Survey
Somewhere between 18 and 20 weeks is when we will do an additional ultrasound. This is called our fetal anatomic survey.
- This is a higher-level ultrasound, where we’re looking at all the baby’s anatomy and getting multiple measurements.
- We’re making sure the baby is growing well and making sure the baby is looking healthy from an anatomic perspective.
- Importantly to patients, this is when we will determine the baby’s gender as well.
Glucola Test
- Around 24 weeks is when I will have the patient come in and do their Glucola test.
- This is done to make sure their body is processing glucose normally and that they do not have gestational diabetes.

Group B Strep Culture
I will obtain a Group B Strep culture for each patient around 35 weeks.
- Group B strep is a bacteria that 25% of adults carry as a natural part of their skin flora. It doesn’t mean much for adults, but it can rarely make babies sick.
- Moms who are carriers will receive antibiotics while they’re in labor, and we watch their babies in the hospital for 48 hours after birth instead of only 24.
- For the moms that are carriers, I will give them antibiotics while they’re in labor, and we watch their babies in the hospital for 48 hours instead of 24.

Make Sure The Baby Is Moving Well
In these final weeks, I always tell women, “Make sure your baby’s moving well. Make sure you’re getting 10 movements of some kind, within an hour’s time, twice a day.”
When is it time to go into the hospital for labor?
I also tell patients that when they’re contracting quite painfully and the contractions are 5 to 10 minutes apart for an hour, that’s when to head on into the hospital to see if you’re in labor.
Certainly, if the water breaks or a woman thinks her water is broken, that is another indication to go into labor delivery to see if it’s time to have the baby.
Common Pregnancy Questions
Q: How Long Should A Pregnancy Last?
A: It’s considered normal and full term to have a baby anywhere from 37 weeks to 41 or even 42 weeks. The due date is based on 40 weeks.
Q: What Is Gestational Age?
A: A woman’s due date is based on 40 weeks from the first day of her last period, which is called gestational age
Q: When Can I Have My Baby?
A: I will often be asked, “can you induce me? And when?” It is very legitimate and safe to do an elective induction of labor after 39 weeks if a woman’s cervix is starting to dilate and her cervix becomes what we call favorable. Elective induction of labor, or choosing a date to have labor initiated, is a legitimate option after 39 weeks with a favorable cervix. This is done at the patient’s request and per her desires, not for the convenience of a physician. Regarding the question, “how long can I wait for natural labor without being induced?” the studies are showing us that somewhere around 41 weeks, the risk of the baby is starting to increase. Somewhere between 41 and 42 weeks, I will recommend what’s called a post-date induction for the safety of the baby.